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Embodied Expression
Therapeutic Wonder
Embodying Cellular Centre for Resiliency and Renewal
Almost all of your trillions of cells each contain a complete set of DNA that makes you, you. Put another way, virtually every single cell in the body contains a complete copy of the approximately 3 billion DNA base pairs, or letters, that make up the human genome. A microscopic cell holds all of this information.
How would it be to enter into the consciousness of our cells to experience a sense of centre that is located in every part of our physicality? This will be the focus of Embodying Cellular Centre for Resiliency and Renewal.
Our cellular intelligence is the basis of all aspects of physicality, and some might say, our spirituality. Existing long before our nervous system, our cells are what make us human, what make us who we are. Holding the history of human evolution, the structure of the cell and the information it holds offers an opportunity for us to go beyond the contractive, limiting place of thinking and conceptualising, and entering an expansive space of innate intelligence.
Moving from our cells we can experience the essence of life with its constant cycles of birth, thrive, decline, to embrace change with resiliency and an opportunity for renewal.
Why this workshop matters
So often we search outside of ourselves to find strength without realising that our bodies offer the inspiration we seek. When we can embody our cells, we are not inspired by words but by the felt experience of what it is to have boundaries, acceptance, and ultimately, connection to life. In a time that has felt more uncertain than ever, we have all likely railed against what is, experienced disconnection, and felt ourselves being overwhelmed.
In Embodying Cellular Centre we will experience that every aspect of us already knows and lives with boundaries, acceptance, and connection in every moment. In entering our cellular consciousness, we can more easily meet life’s challenges and opportunities from this place called home.
Embodying Cellular Centre Workshop Outline:
From Gross to Causal
Begin from our abdomenal centre, we enter the tangible experience of how it is to have a hub of connection and the sensations that arise from this nexus. How the arms and legs know themselves through their connection to one another, information flowing through centre and from it. This will be the opportunity to direct our attention to inner sensations with flowing, functional movements and inquiry.
We now travel to the cellular boundary, a structure that is the gatekeeper of nourishment and replenishment for our cells. We will move from this boundary and the surrounding fluids to have a felt sense of taking it what we need, and releasing what is no longer needed.
We enter the centre of the cell, the messaging centre. Here lies all the ingredients that have evolved over billions of years to create you, me, and we. We will move into a cellular consciousness inquiry before exploring movement from our cellular centre.
Wrapping Up
The last 15 minutes will be dedicated to journaling how the experience has given a sharpened awareness of innate boundaries, acceptance, and connection. Please bring some paper and a pen.
About Charlene McAuley
A senior Yoga teacher with training in embodiment through Gestalt Therapy and Body Mind Centering, Charlene teaches classes to students in the UK and Austria with a focus on heightening the felt experience to live with more presence and peace. The Embodying Centre series is part of Charlene's focussed research over the last five years. For more information, visit here.
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