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Therapeutic Wonder
Therapeutic Wonder has arisen from the many years of working with people as part of their healing process. When we can understand how complex and magnificent our body-mind is, wonderment naturally arises and awe replaces dullness.
Being a body we can believe we know all there is to know about our physicality, the familiarity giving rise to jadedness, and injury giving rise to reproach. The inherent wholeness is split. This is what we see all around when people speak of "the mind tells the body what to do". We have left the wonder of who we are and engaged in an inner battle, the so called 'mind versus body'.
Working with particular themes and areas of our physicality, Therapeutic Wonder is senses beyond's way of reigniting the curiosity and appreciation for ourselves through embodied knowledge of anatomy, embryology and a dose of play.
When we feel our cells breathing, that our bodies are these beautiful, shimmering living organisms existing beyond the narrow confines of thinking, we enter the magical place we left behind as children.
Wonder is what makes us humans becoming, and the source of this wonder is within.
wonder is
the basis
of worship
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